We have two ministries for elementary age (K-5th) children on Sunday morning. During the 1st service (9:30) we have kids in small groups. This is a time when kids get taught stories from the Bible in a smaller setting. Kids build relationships with other kids and their teacher.

During the second service (11:00) we have children’s church.

Bible Explorers – Kindergarten through 1st Grades
Included in this fun-filled time with puppets is activity time, snack time, worship time, and teaching.  We have a great team of volunteers who love children. Bible Explorers meet Sundays at 11am in Rooms C10-C11.

Extreme Kids – 2nd through 5th Grades

Extreme Kids is our children’s church for 2nd-5th grade. Kids have a blast as they learn about God’s Word.  There are games, singing, dramas and Bible Teaching.
Kids learn the Bible with interactive teaching and lots of humor.  We produce our own dramas that parallel our Bible lessons.  Extreme Kids meets during the 11:00 service in our Kids multi-room (C6).